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 your continuing support is vital to OUR festival's success.
two ways to donate:
  • ONLINE: Click or tap the button above


  • BY MAIL: Make your cheque payable to "Agassiz Music, Inc."

Agassiz Music, Inc.
556 Niagara St.
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3N 0V8
Charity Registration Number: 872265400RR0001
Your support makes a difference!
Thank you

Agassiz Music Inc. gratefully acknowledges the interest and support of the following supporters.

President’s Circle ($1,000 and up)

Margaret Campbell

Peter Letkemann

Paul Marleyn

Ron & Sandi Mielitz

Lea Stogdale


Director’s Circle ($500 - $999)

Susan Bond

Roy Halstead

Anne Ratuski

Nicola Schaefer

Helen Schaetzle

Genevieve Twomey


Performer’s Circle ($200 - $499)

Sigrid Brodeur-Schibler

David Christianson

Gail Coyston

Spencer Duncanson

John Enns

Lori Stewart & Paul Hagerman

Dr. Qi Hao

Heidi Harms

Donald Lawrence

Els Kavanagh

Bernard Leveille

Dr. David Lyttle

Elaine & David Margolis

Rita & Don Menzies

Marjorie Russell & Roger Rigelhof

Phyllis & Barrie Webster

Allan & Mavis Whicker


Chamber Music Supporter  ($10 - $199)


Jacqueline Brignall

Coralie Bryant

Robert Campbell

Sandra Campbell

Susie Conrad

Anna Coulter

Joe Dudych

Juliana Fast

Judith Fraser

Victor Gerden

Elizabeth Goosen

Judith Hall

Harvey & Janis Hanec

Susan Harasym

Sandra Hardy

Pat & George Hickling

Pat Holbow

Laurel Howard

Koren Kaminski

Louise Lamb

Mel Lazareck

Cycelia Lazarowich

Marion Lewis

Shannon McFarlane

Allen Mills

Ingrid Moehlmann

Dennis Persowich

Helen Peters

Phyllis Portnoy

Diane Ramsey

Mark Rash

Andrea Ratuski

Corrine Ratuski

Ala Rekrut

Barbara Sharp

Juliet Simon

Anita Schmidt

Colleen Suche 

Jean Travis



We also wish to thank the following for their significant contributions to the newly established Agassiz Endowment Fund at the Winnipeg Foundation.



Spencer Duncanson

Roy Halstead

Paul Marleyn

Maureen McIntosh

Allan & Mavis Whicker

Gustine H. & Dennis L. Wilton

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© Agassiz Chamber Music Festival, 2022   |   Photos by: Mark Rash

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